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Middlesex High School

Office Phone # (804) 758-2132 Affiliation A Northern Neck District
Athletic Director Coaches

George Longest, varsity; Scott Rae, JV


454 General Puller Highway, Saluda, VA 23199

Additional Information Colors are blue and white


Go east on I-64 to Route 33 (exit 220, about 20 miles east of the junction of I-64 and I-295). Go northeast on Route 33 about 24.5 miles. Allow at least 75 minutes from center city Richmond, about one hour from the junction of I-64 and I-295. At the intersection of 33 and 17, turn left at the light. Travel 2.3
miles, then veer to the right on 17 business (there are signs for Middlesex High School). Travel about 1 mile, then turn left
on General Puller Highway. School is on left approximately 1/2 mile.
Turn in the first entrance and park in the gravel lot on the left.

updated 03/21/05